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Previous Editions

For students, By Students, With Students

2024 THEME

11th edition: "Finding inclusivity in our differences”

2023 THEME

10th edition: "Shaping a world resilient to climate change”

2022 THEME

9th edition: "Resolving global conflicts in a new era of hegemonic competition”

2021 THEME

8th edition: "Shaping the future of multilateralism: staying united in a divided world”

- In 2012, the association set itself the goal of organizing a simulation of the United Nations in Lyon, of involving a network of Lyon students in European and international United Nations models, of setting up and running an inter-university network of students from Lyon around international issues.

- In 2015, LyonMUN presents itself as a local conference accessible to those uninitiated in these simulations: some beginner committees will be simulated in French in order to broaden its potential audience.

- In 2017, the 5th edition of LyonMUN won the "Best Medium MUN Conferences" prize awarded by the platform [archive] with an average of 4.59/5. That year, in addition to being the best in its category, the LyonMUN obtained the second best score in all categories. Since then, the conference organized annually is considered the best MUN in France.

- In 2018, the 6th edition of LyonMUN obtained 6th place in its category.


- The 8th edition of LyonMUN initially scheduled for 2020,  was unfortunately cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic in France in order to respect health and safety requirements. Despite the cancellation of the edition, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees awarded the association its prize for the best communication within the framework of the MUN Refugee Challenge 2020.

- After recovering from the unimaginable weight that took over the MUN community, LyonMUN never stopped working towards shaping the future. and in 2023, the conference launched committees in Arabic and Spanish, a first in European and French MUN history and was rewarded as one of the best conferences of the year

A fraction of Diplomatic History

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